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UHT Milk

5L and 10L bags in carton box made of multilayer laminate of aluminum foil, ASEPTIC. Immediate packages are approved for direct food packaging according to EC 1935/2004, Transportation is carried out only with means of transport which ensure protection from damage, wetness and other harmful environmental impact.


1. Product: UHT MILK

2. Description
UHT Milk is obtained from raw milk, normalized to determined contents of fat, and then treated a sterilization process UHT and aseptic packaging.

3. Technical requirements

3.1. Packaging and transport – direct packaging of UHT Milk is a carton which is made of multilayer laminate with Aluminum foil of a capacity 1 litter. A direct packaging are placed on cardboard palettes.

3.2. Labelling

A direct packaging of UHT milk is marked with:
— Name and address of the producer,
— Name of product,
— Type of heat treatment: UHT
— Expire date : ,,Best before:”- day, month, year, storage conditions
— Fat content,
— Net weight,

3.3 Nutritional value in 100 ml:


UHT milk should be stored in dry, clean, warehouse, no longer than 9 months from production date, at temperature below +25°C. After opening the carton should be stored under refrigerated conditions and no longer than 48 hours.